Yep this was supposed to be a blogging diary of my journey as a bride. I am now 3 months+ married -- *the wedding was fabulous by the way* -- I am 6 pounds heavier and have not posted for months. Eeek, where the time go?
This will now become my attempt to blog about the randomness in my life, well at least that's the intent, hence my brand new spankin blog title :) I figure this will keep my writing fresh and document my ever-changing approach to life. But don't be surprised if the next time I blog I end up living in Zimbabwe, have shaved my head and am 10 pounds heavier. Ok no, I really mustn't let that happen, that would be so not cute.
Nevertheless, just checking in to, well say, what's already been affirmed by my lack of posts ... I totally suck at blogging.
6 years ago
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