Tuesday, April 28, 2009

59 ~ A Bride-to-Be Should NEVER have to cry

Forgot to publish this!!!! eeeekk :P ~ MSS (5/14/09)

Well much of Day 60 was spent with me in tears as I stayed glued to Fox News Channel, watching the Swine Flu developments unfold. I think I've read every article imaginable on this stupid flu virus through bleary swollen eyes, but my heart took the ultimate dive when travel advisories/warnings were issued against any unnecessary travel to Mexico. But shouldn't one of the most important days of my life considered necessary?

During a time when I should be worried about all the stuff I still have to do, I am now totally focused on this Swine Flu pandemic. I honestly can't believe this is all happening...after our years of planning for it to come to this hurts so much. I know nothing is for certain, and Tommy is constantly reassuring me that we are still about 60 days out and so much can change, but it is difficult not think about what could happen ~ cancelation/postponement. To be so close to having our dream wedding culminate with so many sharing our day, and it all could be for not if this health crisis doesn't clear. It is quite simply, so disappointing.

I've already sent our guests an email addressing the situation, and letting them know we hope to know more about how our plans may be affected in the next two weeks. God I hope I have good news to share in the next two weeks. My mom has already made mention that we should make a decision at least 30 days out. So as you can imagine, I am sending every prayer to God that this situation fizzles out in the coming weeks. I honestly cannot even imagine not getting married in Akumal. The thought simply breaks my heart.....

I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

65 ~ Bridal Bliss

Been a bit behind with blogging partially due to the fact that I've been under the weather. Last week I was down and out with the flu, and yesterday I had a much needed physical done. Was told I have tonsillitis, an ear infection, and some other feminine problems -- nothing serious but ugh never a good thing to hear how unhealthy you are.

Bottom line was most of my ailments were caused by lack of sleep (God my Dad would feel like he earned his doctor stripes if I told him that one), working too much, and stress. It wasn't really a surprise to me as I've been running on empty for much of the last year and a half. This night job is kicking my butt, and while I do enjoy the decent salary and job security, I'm starting to think it's not worth my health. I've got some serious decisions to make, but not until Tommy gets into the police academy, which we are all hoping will start upon our return from Mexico!

Anywho...the revelation that I am essentially unhealthy got me thinking about how my life has changed since I've gone full steam ahead in the planning process, especially financially and mentally. I've noticed all my time and money has gone toward the wedding preparations, almost to an obsession, lol. Every day is focused on the wedding in some way or another. But I guess having a glorious wedding experience will all make it worth while right?

I've also come to realize that I absolutely LOVE being a bride and all the bells and whistles that come with it. It's exciting to see it all come together, stress, bills and all. I honestly think I could have a wonderful time having a sideline career that is wedding related -- my mom even suggested this to me today. What though, I don't know, but I do know that I love the idea of celebrating love between two people!!!

In realizing this, I must also acknowledge the fact that I will likely be down in the dumps when it's all finally over. When the big day has passed, when the champagne has fizzled, when my beautiful dress is confined to a box... *sigh* But I guess that's what fabulous pictures, video and memories are for right?

But instead of dwelling in the inevitable, I think I'll just continue to enjoy and savor the process. Afterall, the feelings of euphoria and excitement as a bride will only happen once :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

My First Blog...70 days and counting

Welcome to my blog!

I decided to create this space to document my last 70 days leading up to June 26, 2009, the day of my destination wedding in Akumal, Mexico -- the day I officially become a Mrs. and single no more!

There are all kinds of milestones in the life of a woman. Your first crush, your first kiss, and the awful first zit. Hmmm then of course the day you start your period, the day you graduate (Fight On!!), times when you realize who your real friends are, and then the shocking first loss in your life at the hands of death. And of course how can I forget the day you realize your heart can be broken? And conversely, the moment when you realize that you've found the love of your life.

Now of course with all these important steps in life comes the ultra fabulous wedding day! A day I have looked forward to for so long now, a day that I know will change me forever. And because of that, I always want to remember what my life, my mind, my heart was like leading up to that point.

Hence, this blog full of wedding plans and projects, thoughts, fears, stress, excitement, and of course the best imprints in life, photographs!!! Oh and because I am a sports nut, an aspiring sports reporter that is, I must warn you there may be a couple sports post here and there mixed in with all the frilly girl stuff. Kinda like a combination of chex mix and cupcakes :) Salty and sweet but all so delicious!

At the end of the day I hope years from now I can look back at these moments in time and fondly recollect what it felt like before I became a Mrs, before I became single no more, during these last 70 days...